Monday, February 21, 2011

VPN clients and tutorial

What exactly is VPN?

A VPN supplies network connectivity over a possibly long physical distance. In this respect, a VPN is a form of Wide Area Network (WAN). VPNs enable file sharing, video conferencing and similar network services. Virtual private networks generally don't provide any new functionality that isn't already offered through alternative mechanisms, but a VPN implements those services more efficiently / cheaply in most cases.

A key feature of a VPN is its ability to work over both private networks as well as public networks like the Internet. Using a method called tunneling, a VPN use the same hardware infrastructure as existing Internet or intranet links. VPN technologies includes various security mechanisms to protect the virtual, private connections.

-You can download free loki VPN client for windows users here.
-Or Cisco VPN client for mac users here.
-Cisco client also supports Linux users (intel)
-Ultra VPN for windows 7 here

-Tutorial how to setup and use VPN client in windows xp pro can be read on this site.
-Tutorial for windows 7 here.
-Tutorial for mac users here.
-Tutorial for linux users here. But i will recommend visit ubuntu forums for better info.