Brontok virus is also called :
W32/Rontokbro.gen@MM, W32.Rontokbro@mm, BackDoor.Generic.1138, W32/Korbo-B, Worm/Brontok.a, Win32.Brontok.A@mm, Worm.Mytob.GH, W32/Brontok.C.worm, and Win32/Brontok.E, W32.Rontokbro.D@mm., I-Worm.VB.DV,opopopopo, about.Brontok.a, W32.Brontok.a
When Brontok is first run, it copies itself to the user's application data directory. And then he sets itself to start up with Windows. It disables windows regedit.exe (registry editor) and he also turn off firewall.
Removing Brontok!!
Brontok removal tool. Free and secure download link.
Or follow these stepes.
Boot your laptop/pc into Safe Mode. (Start tapping the F8 key as soon as the computer starts displaying the initial startup gobbledygook. At the options, choose Safe Mode WITHOUT network support.) Sorry if you already know this, but Safe Mode boots the computer with as few components as necessary. Many viruses and spyware hide in the extras, making them basically impossible to get rid of in regular mode.
Now insert your Brontok washer floppy and run it. When it's down, do a complete shutdown of the laptop/pc (not a restart.) Boot the laptop back into Safe Mode with no networks and check to be sure Brontok is gone. You may have to run it a few times to get everything completely cleaned off.
Still in Safe Mode no Networking, install Spybot S&D and run it as well until it reads clear, closing the laptop down completely at each go. Spybot S&D is my favourite spyware blocker-scanner.
Also i strongly recommend use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware instead of Spybot SD but that's only how i do it.
Finally, when Spybot S&D says you're clean, boot your laptop in regular mode and install Crap Cleaner. Crap Cleaner cleans up all the crap Micro$ leaves in the registry. When you open CC, click on the issues button and have it scan. Again, it will take a few runs to get your laptop cleaned up, but with CC, you don't have to do complete shutdowns.
There is some free download links to help you in process :
Spybot S&D
malwarebytes anti-malware
Thx to tbbrick for nice explanation for this problem.